Works Resources About

Capsul Clothing

Hi 👋 I'm Hafid Yusuf

E-Commerce Website for International Techwear Clothing Brand

Project Manager

UI/UX Designer

Front-End Developer


[CAPSUL] is a fashion / technology / lifestyle brand, that defines modern urban living in a post pandemic world. The brand consists of the newest style trends, iconic prints, functional design and technology with high end production and materials.


Create A Simple, Sophisticated & Of Course Easy To Use E-Commerce Website To Sell An Urban Tech-Wear Clothing Brand


Creating e-commerce website is a new thing for me, I had to work with my back-end developer to integrate the website that I design and developed to Shopify

Danyal Bennet as a Founder and Creative Director of this company want to make the website interactive, immersive, sophisticated, and have futuristic element to it

The Idea

I Create Stacked Images Of The Products As User Hover Their Mouse Over The Hero Section

First Impression Matter! What I always do when creating a website is, creating a catchy, and standout hero section, so I create interactive image of the products that pop ups when user move their cursor

Here Is Something Cool

interactive world map that lights up when user hover it To Show Where The Store is Located

In Conclusion

Leading this project is fun, exciting, and tiring at the same time, this project gave me a lot of experience from managing, brainstorming ideas, and develop detailed and interactive design that requires a lot of attention