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Hi 👋 I'm Hafid Yusuf

Create Automated Financial Check Up To See User's Financial Condition & How To Improve It

Product Designer


At PINA, we are designing and building the future of personal finance with a mission to help everyone achieve financial freedom by providing products and advice that make complicated financial decisions simple.


Financial Advisory Service Is The Main Product That PINA Offer, But A Lot Of People Doesn’t Seem To Know What It Was, So We Want To Give A Glimpse Of What They’ll Get For Personal Financial Service


Financial Check Up needs a lot of user’s financial informations, like their income, budget, assets, liabilities, and so on. We all know users don’t want to spend much time to get what they want, not to mention that people in Indonesia have low financial literacy.

So I have to create the easiest and the most seamless flow with easy to digest explanation about each required financial data, and create the end result that’s valuable enough to get users to subscribe.


To Make It More Simple For Users, A Make A Bulk Input Options For Every Complex Form Like This One

So users who want to get their result as quick as possible doesn’t churn, and for users who fill detailed information can get detailed result for their financial condition in the end

More Solutions

Adding Related Context & Interactive Information About User Financial Conditions

Giving structured and thorough explanation about user’s financial condition is the main information that we want to deliver, so I spend so much time to make the right calculations and important financial aspect that users need to know and how to improve upon it

Final Result