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Hi 👋 I'm Hafid Yusuf

Creating Easy Tunnel To Order Self HIV Screening Device And Following Up On HIV Test Results

UX Researcher

UX Designer

UI Designer


Spiritia is a non-governmental organization that have been working with and for people living with HIV/AIDS. They want to give an easy way to distribute HIV screening test for people in need.


The objective is to encourage individuals who may potentially have HIV to conduct self-screening tests and to regularly seek medical check-ups


There is a lot of people who ignore their own health, people who are afraid to find out the truth about their condition, and people who are too lazy to do a routine check-up

A lot of people also afraid of other people's judgement, like friends & family, so it’s a big challenge to make people feel safe from any backlash from other people when they order HIV screening test or even do a following check-up to the medical facility


First of all i sepperate user journey into two, first is where people order the HIV screening test and second one is where user follows up on their test result

Logging in without password, this is the new way to login experience that we come up with, so how do we managed that? How do we know it’s secure? And how will the back-end work? Well, we're using Special ID Number


Well the first thing if you want to order a HIV screening device, you have to be at least 17 years old, so you have to put your birthday to order it, and you have to put your ID Number also.

ID Number is special, every person have it but it’s not same. When user order the device, there will be a generated order ID that we are going to match it with their Personal ID to confirm if the device was arrived to the right person

Under Age Page

This is what the’ll see if they’re < 17 years old, a page where we encourage underage user to go to nearest medical facility with their guardian

Here, we listing all the medical facility that can handle HIV stuff and giving user an automated referral letter, so they can get the attention and treatment they deserve

Order Method

We give user option on how they want to recieve their order

  1. By Delivery Services
  2. By Meeting Privately
  3. Or a Just Self Pick Up

That way, we can make user feel safe enough to order the tools, either it’s because they don’t want their family member find out about the package when they send it by delivery service, or they feel ashame if other people see them at public while ordering a HIV screening device kit